Artist, Designer, Seamstress and Photographer.
A graduate of University of Derby, with a 2:2 in Textiles Bachelor Degree, with a zero year.
Blogger with a more active Instagram account than anything else.
Based in the North-East England.
Creativity is something I enjoy whole heartedly. Crafting spaces to work, keeping them clean or messy to create in - can be work in itself but worthwhile as any other project.
Crafty - I'm pretty much a jack of trades - crochet, digital art/design, sewing, embroidery, paint, photograph, crochet, beadwork, illustrator, fashion designer.
Below my CV link, I've included my Instagram feed so you can see what I've been up to recently. This will be my most recent work, projects and life. It's the best place to see my inspirations first hand.